Sunday, August 2, 2020

How I Got Rid of my Acne - Mastering Skincare for Acne Prone Skin Effectively

Acne has been a huge battle since I was in high school.

Almost everyday, I would wake up with about 4-5 new spots on my face. Most of my acne were targeted around my cheeks jawline and upper lip.

Despite all the "promising" acne clearing treatments I had slathered onto my skin, I felt I could probably count all the acne products I haven't tried from Target's skincare aisle than acne products I have tried.

However, there are many causes to what could cause acne and what type of acne you are experiencing. Understanding what acne is can better assist you in finding the correct type of products to use.  Here is a great site that talks about acne 101.

After years of research, and trial and error I am really happy to say that thanks to my solid skincare routine I have alas conquered my most problematic acne concerns! Here are some tips and products that helped me clear up my skin:

1. What types of foods are you consuming?
We all know that foods can cause acne, but I learned that it is much more than just drinking water and eating less fried foods/eating healthier. Learning what your body can/can't tolerate food wise plays a huge part in your skin's health.

For me I learned that my body cannot handle foods such as dairy, whey protein and gluten.  Additionally, in the journey of clearing my skin, I also learned the importance of digestion. I found that cutting out food items such as cruciferous vegetables and introducing probiotics had overall aided in my digestion as well.

My favorite probiotic is the Culturelle probiotics. I find it to be gentle on my stomach and helps with digestion.

I highly recommend this page on that breaks down different types of Acnegenic foods. This really opened my eyes to how certain foods I was consuming may have had affected my skin.

2. What types of products are you using?
Whether it is skincare or makeup, the ingredients in these items may be the culprit!

I took some time to research the ingredients in my facial routine and found that almost every product that I was using was acnegenic! Within 2 weeks of ceasing the use of the acnegenic products, my skin cleared up by at least 10%.

Here is a helpful page that I used to assist me with researching acne causing ingredients.

I've tried almost all of the acne products from the drugstore. All of the acne targeted products.. Neutrogena pink grapefruit wash, Cetaphil face wash, St. Ives Apricot Scrub etc. you name it, i've tried it! I found that not only were a lot of these product drying, but they were filled with lots of acne causing ingredients.

Here are a couple of my skincare recommendations:

Here are some of my drugstore/more affordable recommendations: 
When I was at the peak of breaking out, full coverage foundation was my savior! However I learned that more is less. Here are a couple of my favorite face products:

In terms of body care, make sure your products do not include these same acne causing ingredients and sulfate, as shampoo and conditioner that sits on your body while showering may cause acne. 

I hope these tips and recommendations are helpful. If you have any questions/recommendations/tips, please feel free to leave a comment!

Maira Gall